Electronic Medical Registers

Electronic Medical Registers

In accordance with the Ordinance of the Minister of Health as of 21st December 2010 an its subsequent amendments, since the 1st of August 2017, in each medical facility, including individual medical practices, medical documentation will be kept only in an electronic form.

That date might look like it’s far in the future, however it is worth thinking about keeping electronic medical records even today, as the benefits are enormous.

To list some of them:
Constant access to patients’ files
By storing your data in the cloud, electronic medical records enable you to view your patients’ disease history and other important data at any time and any place. This is especially useful in situations where access to regular, paper medical records is limited or even impossible – outside the archive’s office hours, or during home visits.
Streamlined exchange of information between professionals
Electronic medical registers allow physicians to share their patients’ medical data, including photographs and test results. This significantly speeds up the flow of information, and increases the transparency of the data being sent – eliminating the, frequently unreadable, manual documentation.
Protection against data loss
Data stored electronically is also stored as a backup on another server. This solution allows you to immediately recover your data if it is lost due to server damage or theft.
Simple handling of settlements with NFZ
Using systems designed to keep electronic medical registers enables the immediate sending of necessary data to the National Health Fund. It should be emphasized that the possibility of computerized NFS settlements synchronized with electronic medical registers, thanks to abolishing the need to repeatedly fill in the same documents, significantly improves the work of the staff of the facility.
Acquire experience in running the soon to be mandatory electronic medical registers
Many physicians and nurses feel a certain resistance to the idea of changing their existing medical registry habits. It’s worth using the time left until EDM becomes mandatory to get acquainted with working in the new system. In the future, this will allow you to avoid making any mistakes due to your lack of knowledge and experience.
Protection against data loss
Data stored electronically is also stored as a backup on another server. This solution allows you to immediately recover your data if it is lost due to server damage or theft.

Electronic Document Management is extremely convenient both for the doctor and the patient. It reduces the time it takes to complete forms, allows you to validate your input, and to minimize the risk of errors such as typing an invalid drug name. EDM also facilitates the exchange of information between providers of medical services, allowing the physician to obtain data on the patient’s medical and treatment history.

Thanks to EDM, doctors may spends less time on cumbersome office work, so they can focus on their patients. The use of web-based solutions allows the physician to access a virtual medical file from anywhere and at any time, and the built-in calendar facilitates setting up appointments easier.

Our offer

We offer a fully professional modern software for keeping electronic medical registries. To our customers, we provide a complete guarantee of comprehensive technical support during the implementation, and use, of Medfile®.

Our offer is addressed to people and institutions carrying out a variety of medical activities – from private single-person offices, to multi-specialty clinics and hospital departments. Medfile is a brilliant solution as a program for medical clinics.


Electronic Health Record for Physician and Physio Practices with free website and practice management.

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